Privacy Policy
Linotale is committed to protecting your privacy. All personal information you provide during registration is used (i) to process your order(s); (ii) to contact you regarding a particular transaction; or (iii) to contact you about new products, features or special promotions.
The information you provide us will not be disclosed to any outside organization or third party.
If you do not wish to receive communications from us, you may remove yourself from the mailing list by logging into your account and opting out of the mailing list. You may also request to delete your account by contacting us at

Linotale may provide you with links and references to other sites, but we are not responsible for the content of those sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content.

"Cookies” are used to help us gather general information and save user defined preferences. This helps us to enhance and personalize your shopping experience with Linotale. You can delete saved cookies from your browsing history at any time or set your computer to disable cookies. Unless you have adjusted your settings to refuse cookies, our system will use cookies when you are browsing and shopping on our website.

This site is controlled and operated by Linotale LLC.
Linotale reserves the right to make changes to the information on this site and the services described therein at any time without notice.

Your Consent
By visiting, you are accepting and consenting to these practices and conditions.